Module OptInv

Require Import Classical.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import Op.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Registers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import Dom.
Require Import SSA.
Require Import SSAutils.
Require Import SSAinv.
Require Import Utilsvalidproof.
Require Import DomCompute.
Require Import Axioms.
Require Import KildallComp.
Require Import OrderedType.
Require Import Ordered.
Require Import FSets.
Require FSetAVL.
Require Import Dsd.
Require Import Opt.
Require Import DLib.

Unset Allow StrictProp.

This file defines a generic program optimization. In our SSA middle-end, we instantiate this to SCCP and GVN-CSE, but in general, it could also be instantiated to any intra-procedural, scalar optimization.

Ltac ssa_def :=
  let eq_pc pc1 pc2 :=
      assert (pc1 = pc2) by (eapply ssa_def_unique; eauto); subst
  unfold node in *;
    match goal with
      | r : reg |- _ =>
        match goal with
            id: def _ r ?x,
            id': def _ r ?y
            |- _ => eq_pc x y ; try clear id'
      | pc1: positive,
        pc2: positive |- _ =>
            match goal with
                id : def _ ?r pc1,
                id': assigned_phi_spec _ pc2 ?r |- _ =>
                eq_pc pc1 pc2
      | pc1: positive,
         pc2: positive |- _ =>
            match goal with
                id: assigned_phi_spec _ pc1 ?r,
                id': assigned_phi_spec _ pc2 ?r |- _ =>
                eq_pc pc1 pc2
      | id : _ ! ?pc1 = Some (Iop _ _ ?r _),
        id' : _ ! ?pc2 = Some (Iop _ _ ?r _)
        |- _ =>
        match pc2 with
          | pc1 => fail 1
          | _ => idtac
          eq_pc pc1 pc2
      | id : _ ! ?pc1 = Some (Iop _ _ ?r _),
        id': def _ ?r ?pc2 |- _ =>
        match pc2 with
          | pc1 => fail 1
          | _ => idtac
          eq_pc pc1 pc2

Record for a dominance-based static analysis

Record DsdAnalysis := {
Flow insensitive analysis
   approx: Type
 ; result := reg -> approx

G ge sp rs a v : in context ge sp rs, a is a correct approximation of the value v
 ; G : genv -> val -> regset -> approx -> val -> Prop

is_at_Top R r : characterization of registers put at Top
 ; is_at_Top : result -> reg -> Prop

The analysis itself
 ; A : function -> (result * m_exec)

 ; exec : function -> node -> Prop

The following are hypotheses we require on the analysis. To be proved when instantiating the framework
 ; exec_fn_entry : forall f, exec f (fn_entrypoint f)

 ; is_at_Top_eq_is_at_Top :
     forall f dst x,
       is_at_Top (fst (A f)) dst ->
       fst (A f) x = fst (A f) dst ->
       is_at_Top (fst (A f)) x

 ; params_Top :
     forall (f:function) r,
       wf_ssa_function f ->
       ext_params f r ->
       is_at_Top (fst (A f)) r

A register put to top approximates any concrete value (_any_ context)
 ; G_top :
     forall f r ge sp rs,
       is_at_Top (fst (A f)) r ->
       G ge sp rs (fst (A f) r) (rs# r)


Section Opt_ANALYSIS.

 Variable AA: DsdAnalysis.

 Inductive G_list ge sp rs : list (approx AA) -> list val -> Prop :=
    vlma_nil : G_list ge sp rs nil nil
  | vlma_cons : forall a al v vl,
                G AA ge sp rs a v ->
                G_list ge sp rs al vl ->
                G_list ge sp rs (a :: al) (v :: vl).
 Definition A_r f := fst (A AA f).
 Definition A_e f := snd (A AA f).
 Definition gamma (f:function) ge sp (pc:node) (rs:regset) : Prop :=
    (forall x, dsd f x pc ->
               exec AA f pc ->
               G AA ge sp rs (A_r f x) (rs# x)).

  Lemma gamma_entry (f:function) :
    wf_ssa_function f ->
    forall ge sp rs, gamma f ge sp (fn_entrypoint f) rs.
    intros WF ge sp rs r Hr _.
    eelim ssa_dsd_entry; eauto.

  Lemma gamma_sdom_gamma (f: function) : forall pc pc' ge sp rs,
    wf_ssa_function f ->
    gamma f ge sp pc rs ->
    exec AA f pc ->
    sdom f pc' pc ->
    gamma f ge sp pc' rs.
    intros pc pc' ge sp rs WF G EXE SDOM r Hr He.
    inv Hr.
    - eapply G; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply (sdom_trans peq); eauto.
      intro Hcont.
      eapply (elim_sdom_sdom peq); eauto.
    - eapply G; eauto.
      econstructor 1; eauto.
      intro Hcont.
      eelim SDOM; eauto.

  Lemma used_match_approx: forall (f:function) ge sp pc rs r,
    wf_ssa_function f ->
    gamma f ge sp pc rs ->
    use_code f r pc ->
    exec AA f pc ->
    G AA ge sp rs (A_r f r) (rs# r).
    intros f ge sp pc rs r WF GAMMA USE EXE.
    assert (H3: exists pc', def f r pc') by (eapply ssa_use_exists_def; go).
    destruct H3 as [x H0].
    eapply GAMMA; auto.
    destruct (classic (assigned_phi_spec (fn_phicode f) pc r)) as [H4 | H4].
      + go.
      + econstructor 1; eauto.
        assert (H5: dom f x pc) by (eapply fn_strict; go).
        apply (dom_eq_sdom peq) in H5. inv H5; auto.
        assert (assigned_code_spec (fn_code f) pc r)
          by (inv H0; try (destruct (fn_entry f); auto; invh use_code; congruence)).
        eelim ssa_def_use_code_false; eauto.

  Lemma all_used_approx: forall ge f pc sp rs args,
     exec AA f pc ->
     wf_ssa_function f ->
     (forall r, In r args -> use_code f r pc) ->
     gamma f ge sp pc rs ->
     G_list ge sp rs (map (A_r f) args) (rs## args).
  induction args; intros.
  - go.
  - simpl. econstructor; eauto.
    eapply H2; eauto.
    assert (use_code f a pc) by go.
    exploit ssa_use_exists_def; go. intros [dr Hr].
    exploit fn_strict; go. intros.
    exploit (dom_eq_sdom peq); eauto. intros [HCase | HCase].
    + subst. inv Hr; try go.
      * exploit fn_entry; eauto. intros [s Hnop].
        inv H3; try congruence.
      * eelim fn_use_def_code; eauto.
    + eapply def_sdom_dsd; eauto.

  Lemma gamma_v_args : forall ge f sp rs res op pc pc' args,
     exec AA f pc ->
     wf_ssa_function f ->
     gamma f ge sp pc rs ->
     (fn_code f) ! pc = Some (Iop op args res pc') ->
     G_list ge sp rs (map (A_r f) args) (rs## args).
    eapply all_used_approx; eauto.
    intros; go.

A couple of extra hypotheses.
  Variable A_intra_locals : forall (f:function) (WF: wf_ssa_function f),
         forall pc res,
         (forall op args res pc', (fn_code f) ! pc <> Some (Iop op args res pc')) ->
         exec AA f pc ->
         assigned_code_spec (fn_code f) pc res -> is_at_Top AA (A_r f) res.

  Variable G_upd_diff : forall (f:function) (Hwf:wf_ssa_function f) ge sp rs dst x v,
                    x <> dst ->
                    A_r f x <> A_r f dst ->
                    G AA ge sp rs (A_r f x) rs !! x ->
                    G AA ge sp (rs # dst <- v) (A_r f x) rs !! x.

Local soundness of analysis for variable assignment
  Variable Iop_correct : forall (f:function) pc sf op args res pc' v rs ge sp m x,
                      forall (WFF: wf_ssa_function f)
                             (SINV: s_inv ge (State sf f (Vptr sp pc rs m)),
                        (fn_code f) ! pc = Some (Iop op args res pc') ->
                        eval_operation ge (Vptr sp op (rs ## args) m = Some v ->
                        gamma f ge (Vptr sp pc rs ->
                        exec AA f pc ->
                        dsd f x pc' ->
                        G AA ge (Vptr sp (rs # res <- v) (A_r f x) (rs # res <- v) !! x.

Local soundness of analysis for phi-blocks
  Variable gamma_step_phi: forall (f:function) ge sp pc pc' phib k rs,
   wf_ssa_function f ->
   reached f pc ->
   exec AA f pc ->
   (fn_code f) ! pc = Some (Inop pc') ->
   (fn_phicode f) ! pc' = Some phib ->
   index_pred (Kildall.make_predecessors (fn_code f) successors_instr) pc pc' = Some k ->
   gamma f ge sp pc rs ->
   gamma f ge sp pc' (phi_store k phib rs).

Soundness invariant. Subject-reduction proof

Section subject_reduction.

  Variable prog: program.
  Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.

  Hypothesis WELL_FORMED : wf_ssa_program prog.

  Inductive sfg_inv : list stackframe -> Prop :=
  | sf_inv_nil: sfg_inv nil
  | sf_inv_cons:
    forall res (f:function) sp b pc rs s
      (SP: sp = (Vptr b
      (STACK: sfg_inv s)
      (HG:forall v, gamma f ge sp pc (rs# res <- v))
      (EXE: exec AA f pc),
      sfg_inv ((Stackframe res f sp pc rs) :: s).
  Hint Constructors sfg_inv: core.
  Variant sg_inv (ge: genv): state -> Prop :=
  | si_State:
      forall s sp b pc rs m f
        (SP: sp = (Vptr b
        (SINV:s_inv ge (State s f sp pc rs m))
        (HG:gamma f ge sp pc rs)
        (EXE: exec AA f pc)
        (STACK: sfg_inv s),
        sg_inv ge (State s f sp pc rs m)
  | si_Call:
      forall s f args m
        (SINV:s_inv ge (Callstate s f args m))
        (STACK: sfg_inv s),
        sg_inv ge (Callstate s f args m)
  | si_Return:
      forall s v m
        (SINV:s_inv ge (Returnstate s v m))
        (STACK: sfg_inv s),
        sg_inv ge (Returnstate s v m).
  Hint Constructors sg_inv: core.
  Lemma s_inv_initial : forall s, initial_state prog s -> sg_inv ge s.
    intros. inv H.
    econstructor; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.
    eapply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop; eauto.

  Variable exec_step : forall (f:function) (HWF: wf_ssa_function f)
                              ge t sf sp pc rs m s',
                   sfg_inv sf ->
                   gamma f ge sp pc rs ->
                   exec AA f pc ->
                   step ge (State sf f sp pc rs m) t s' ->
                   match s' with
                     | (State _ f _ pc' _ _)
                     | (Callstate (Stackframe _ f _ pc' _ :: _) _ _ _) => exec AA f pc'
                     | _ => True

  Lemma subj_red : forall s s' t,
    sg_inv ge s ->
    step ge s t s' ->
    step ge s t s' ->
    sg_inv ge s'.
  intros s s' t HINV STEP STEP'.
  inv HINV.
  - (* from State *)
    assert (WF : wf_ssa_function f) by (inv SINV; auto).
    invh step; (econstructor; eauto);
    try solve [eapply subj_red; eauto];
    try solve [eapply exec_step in STEP' ; eauto].

    + (* Inop njp *)
      unfold gamma in *; intros x Hx He.
      assert (~assigned_code_spec (fn_code f) pc x)
        by (intros contra; inv contra; congruence).
      exploit (dsd_pred_not_join_point f WF pc pc' x); eauto. go.
      intros [Hcase1 | [ Hcase2 | Hcase3]]; invh and; try congruence.
      * exploit G_top; eauto.
        eapply params_Top; eauto.
      * eapply HG; eauto.

    + (* Iop *)
      unfold gamma in *; intros x Hyp1 Hyp2.
      eapply Iop_correct; eauto.

    + (* Iload *)
      unfold gamma in *; intros x Hyp1 Hyp2.
      { destruct (peq x dst).
        - subst.
          exploit (A_intra_locals f WF pc); go.
          eapply G_top; eauto; go.
        - exploit (A_intra_locals f WF pc); go.
          exploit (HG x); eauto.
          * destruct dsd_pred_njp with f pc pc' x as
                [[Dx Dx']|[[Dx [Dx' Dx'']]|[Dx Dx']]]; simplify_dsd; eauto.
            inv WF ; eauto.
            -- intro; subst. edestruct fn_entry. congruence.
            -- econstructor; eauto.
            -- eelim ssa_not_Inop_not_phi; eauto; go.
          * intros.
            { destruct (classic ((A_r f x) = (A_r f dst))).
              - assert (is_at_Top AA (A_r f) x) by (eapply is_at_Top_eq_is_at_Top; eauto).
                eapply G_top; eauto.
              - rewrite PMap.gso; auto.

    + (* Istore *)
      unfold gamma in *; intros x Hyp1 Hyp2.
      destruct dsd_pred_njp with f pc pc' x as
          [[Dx Dx']|[[Dx [Dx' Dx'']]|[Dx Dx']]]; simplify_dsd; eauto.
      * inv WF ; auto.
        intro; subst. edestruct fn_entry. congruence.
      * go.
      * eelim ssa_not_Inop_not_phi; simpl; go; simpl; go.
    + (* Icall *)
      econstructor; eauto.
      intros v x Hyp1 Hyp2.
        { destruct (peq x res).
          - subst. exploit (A_intra_locals f WF pc); go.
            eapply G_top; eauto.
          - exploit (HG x); eauto.
            * destruct dsd_pred_njp with f pc pc' x as
                [[Dx Dx']|[[Dx [Dx' Dx'']]|[Dx Dx']]]; simplify_dsd; eauto.
              -- intro; subst; edestruct fn_entry; eauto; congruence.
              -- econstructor; eauto.
              -- eelim ssa_not_Inop_not_phi; eauto; go.
            * exploit (A_intra_locals f WF pc); go.
              { destruct (classic ((A_r f x) = (A_r f res))).
                - assert (is_at_Top AA (A_r f) x) by (eapply is_at_Top_eq_is_at_Top; eauto).
                  eapply G_top; eauto.
                - rewrite PMap.gso; auto.
       eapply exec_step in STEP'; eauto.

    + (* Itailcall *)
      unfold gamma in *; intros x Hyp1 Hyp2.
      { destruct res.
        - destruct (peq x x0).
          + subst. exploit (A_intra_locals f WF pc); go.
          eapply G_top; eauto.
          + exploit (HG x); eauto.
          * destruct dsd_pred_njp with f pc pc' x as
                [[Dx Dx']|[[Dx [Dx' Dx'']]|[Dx Dx']]]; simplify_dsd; eauto.
            inv WF ; eauto.
            -- intro; subst; edestruct fn_entry; eauto; congruence.
            -- go.
            -- eelim ssa_not_Inop_not_phi; eauto; go.
          * exploit (A_intra_locals f WF pc); go.
              { destruct (classic ((A_r f x) = (A_r f x0))).
                - assert (is_at_Top AA (A_r f) x)
                    by (eapply is_at_Top_eq_is_at_Top; eauto).
                  eapply G_top; eauto.
                - unfold regmap_setres.
                  rewrite PMap.gso; auto.
        - simpl. eapply HG; eauto.
          destruct dsd_pred_njp with f pc pc' x as
              [[Dx Dx']|[[Dx [Dx' Dx'']]|[Dx Dx']]]; simplify_dsd; eauto.
          inv WF ; eauto.
          intro; subst; edestruct fn_entry; eauto; congruence.
          eelim ssa_not_Inop_not_phi; eauto; go.
        - simpl. eapply HG; eauto.
          destruct dsd_pred_njp with f pc pc' x as
              [[Dx Dx']|[[Dx [Dx' Dx'']]|[Dx Dx']]]; simplify_dsd; eauto.
          inv WF ; eauto.
          intro; subst; edestruct fn_entry; eauto; congruence.
          eelim ssa_not_Inop_not_phi; eauto; go.

    + (* Icond true *)
      unfold gamma in *; intros x Hyp1 Hyp2.
      destruct dsd_pred_njp with f pc ifso x as
          [[Dx Dx']|[[Dx [Dx' Dx'']]|[Dx Dx']]]; simplify_dsd; eauto.
      * inv WF ; eauto.
        intro; subst; edestruct fn_entry; eauto; congruence.
      * go.
      * eelim ssa_not_Inop_not_phi; eauto. simpl; auto. congruence.
    + (* Icond false *)
      unfold gamma in *; intros x Hyp1 Hyp2.
      destruct dsd_pred_njp with f pc ifnot x as
          [[Dx Dx']|[[Dx [Dx' Dx'']]|[Dx Dx']]]; simplify_dsd; eauto.
      * inv WF ; eauto.
        intro; subst; edestruct fn_entry; eauto; congruence.
      * go.
      * eelim ssa_not_Inop_not_phi; eauto. simpl; auto. congruence.

    + (* Ijumptable *)
      unfold gamma in *; intros x Hyp1.
      destruct dsd_pred_njp with f pc pc' x as
          [[Dx Dx']|[[Dx [Dx' Dx'']]|[Dx Dx']]]; simplify_dsd; eauto using list_nth_z_in.
      * inv WF ; eauto.
        intro; subst; edestruct fn_entry; eauto; congruence.
      * econstructor; eauto. eauto using list_nth_z_in.
      * eelim ssa_not_Inop_not_phi; eauto. simpl; eauto using list_nth_z_in. congruence.

  - (* from CallState *)
    invh step; econstructor; eauto ; try solve [eapply subj_red; eauto ].

    + (* Internal PO1 *)
      eapply gamma_entry; eauto.
      inv SINV. inv WFF; auto.
    + eapply exec_fn_entry; eauto.

  - (* from ReturnState *)
    invh step.
    invh sfg_inv; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.
    eapply subj_red; eauto.

Final correctness lemma. To be used in correctness proof of optimization

Theorem subj_red_gamma : forall (f f':function) t m m' rs rs' sp sp' pc pc' s s',
    gamma f ge (Vptr sp pc rs ->
    exec AA f pc ->
    sfg_inv s ->
    s_inv ge (State s f (Vptr sp pc rs m) ->
    step ge (State s f (Vptr sp pc rs m) t (State s' f' (Vptr sp' pc' rs' m') ->
    gamma f' ge (Vptr sp' pc' rs'.
  exploit subj_red; eauto.
  intros. invh sg_inv; eauto.

End subject_reduction.