Module KildallComp

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Iteration.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Lattice.
Require Import Kildall.
Require Import Classical.


Lemma add_successors_correct2:
  forall tolist from pred n s,
    ~ (In n pred!!!s) -> (~In s tolist \/ n<>from) ->
    ~ In n (add_successors pred from tolist)!!!s.
  induction tolist; simpl; intros.
  - tauto.
  - apply IHtolist.
    * intro.
      unfold successors_list at 1 in H1.
      { case_eq ((PTree.set a (from :: pred !!! a) pred) ! s);
        [ intros l Hl | intros Hl]; rewrite Hl in *.
        - (* normal case *)
          destruct (peq a s); subst.
          rewrite PTree.gss in Hl. inv Hl. inv H1.
          destruct H0. elim H0. intuition. congruence.
                       elim H0. auto.
                       elim H. auto.
          rewrite PTree.gso in Hl ; auto.
          unfold successors_list in H.
          rewrite Hl in *. intuition.
        - (* error case *) inv H1.
    * destruct H0. left.
      intro. elim H0. intuition.
Context {A: Type}.
Variable code: PTree.t A.
Variable successors: A -> list positive.

Definition make_preds : PTree.t (list positive) :=
  make_predecessors code successors.

Lemma make_predecessors_correct2_aux :
  forall n i s,
    code ! n = Some i ->
    ~In s (successors i) ->
    ~In n make_preds!!!s.
  intros until s. intros Hcode.
  set (P := fun (m:PTree.t A) preds =>
              ~In s (successors i) -> ~In n preds!!!s) in *.
  apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec with (P := P).
(* extensionality *)
  unfold P; intros.
  apply H0; auto.
(* base case *)
  red ; unfold successors_list. repeat rewrite PTree.gempty. auto.
(* inductive case *)
  unfold P; intros.
  eapply add_successors_correct2; eauto.
  destruct (peq n k).
  - inv e.
    left ; auto.
    rewrite Hcode in *. congruence.
  - auto.

Lemma make_predecessors_correct2 :
  forall n i s,
    code ! n = Some i ->
    In n make_preds!!!s ->
    In s (successors i).
  generalize make_predecessors_correct2_aux ; intro.
  assert (Hdecpos:forall (p1 p2: positive), {p1 = p2}+{p1 <> p2}) by decide equality.
  assert (Hin := In_dec Hdecpos s (successors i)).
  destruct Hin; auto.
  exploit H ; eauto. intuition.

Lemma make_predecessors_some : forall s l,
  make_preds ! s = Some l ->
  forall p, In p l -> exists i, code ! p = Some i.
  unfold make_preds, make_predecessors.
  apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; intros.
  - rewrite <- H. eapply H0; eauto.
  - rewrite PTree.gempty in H. inv H.
  - destruct (peq k p).
    * subst. rewrite PTree.gss. eauto.
    * rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
      destruct (classic (In p a !!! s \/ p = k /\ In s (successors v))).
        destruct H4 as [Hcase1 | Hcase2].
        - unfold successors_list in *.
          case_eq (a ! s) ; intros.
          * rewrite H4 in *. eapply (H1 s); eauto.
          * rewrite H4 in *. inv Hcase1.
        - inv Hcase2. congruence.
        eelim add_successors_correct2 with (tolist := (successors v)); eauto.
        unfold successors_list. rewrite H2.


Section Pred_Succs.

Lemma same_successors_same_predecessors_aux0 {A B} :
  forall f1 (f2:B->list positive) (m1:PTree.t A) t a,
 (forall i, m1! i = None) ->
    (fun pred pc instr => add_successors pred pc (f1 instr)) a m1 t = t.
  induction m1; simpl; auto.
  intros a t T.
  generalize (T xH); destruct o; simpl; try congruence.
  intros _.
  rewrite IHm1_2.
  - rewrite IHm1_1; auto.
    intros i; generalize (T (xO i)); auto.
  - intros i; generalize (T (xI i)); auto.

Lemma same_successors_same_predecessors_aux1 {A B} :
  forall f1 f2 (m1:PTree.t A) (m2:PTree.t B) t a,
 (forall i,
    (PTree.map1 f1 m1) ! i =
    (PTree.map1 f2 m2) ! i) ->
    (fun pred pc instr => add_successors pred pc (f1 instr)) a m1 t =
    (fun pred pc instr => add_successors pred pc (f2 instr)) a m2 t.
  induction m1; simpl; auto; intros.
  - erewrite same_successors_same_predecessors_aux0; eauto.
    intros i; generalize (H i); simpl.
    rewrite PTree.gmap1.
    destruct (m2!i); simpl; auto.
    destruct i; simpl; congruence.
  - destruct m2.
    + erewrite same_successors_same_predecessors_aux0; eauto.
      erewrite same_successors_same_predecessors_aux0; eauto.
      erewrite same_successors_same_predecessors_aux0; eauto.
      generalize (H xH); destruct o; simpl; try congruence.
      destruct i; auto.
      intros i; generalize (H (xI i)); simpl.
      rewrite PTree.gmap1.
      destruct (m1_2!i); simpl; congruence.
      intros i; generalize (H (xO i)); simpl.
      rewrite PTree.gmap1.
      destruct (m1_1!i); simpl; congruence.
    + rewrite IHm1_1 with (m2:=m2_1); eauto.
      rewrite IHm1_2 with (m2:=m2_2); eauto.
      generalize (H xH).
      destruct o; destruct o0; simpl; try congruence.
      intros T; inv T.
      rewrite IHm1_2 with (m2:=m2_2); eauto.
      intros i; generalize (H (xI i)); simpl; auto.
      intros i; generalize (H (xI i)); simpl; auto.
      intros i; generalize (H (xO i)); simpl; auto.

Lemma same_successors_same_predecessors {A B} : forall f1 f2 (m1:PTree.t A) (m2:PTree.t B),
 (forall i,
    (PTree.map1 f1 m1) ! i =
    (PTree.map1 f2 m2) ! i) ->
  make_predecessors m1 f1 = make_predecessors m2 f2.
  unfold make_predecessors; intros.
  apply same_successors_same_predecessors_aux1; auto.

End Pred_Succs.