Module Builtins1

Platform-specific built-in functions

Require Import String Coqlib.
Require Import AST Integers Floats Values.
Require Import Builtins0.

Inductive platform_builtin : Type :=
  | BI_fmin
  | BI_fmax.

Local Open Scope string_scope.

Definition platform_builtin_table : list (string * platform_builtin) :=
     ("__builtin_fmin", BI_fmin)
  :: ("__builtin_fmax", BI_fmax)
  :: nil.

Definition platform_builtin_sig (b: platform_builtin) : signature :=
  match b with
  | BI_fmin | BI_fmax =>
      mksignature (Tfloat :: Tfloat :: nil) Tfloat cc_default

Definition platform_builtin_sem (b: platform_builtin) : builtin_sem (sig_res (platform_builtin_sig b)) :=
  match b with
  | BI_fmin =>
      mkbuiltin_n2t Tfloat Tfloat Tfloat
        (fun f1 f2 => match f1 f2 with
                      | Some Eq | Some Lt => f1
                      | Some Gt | None => f2
  | BI_fmax =>
      mkbuiltin_n2t Tfloat Tfloat Tfloat
        (fun f1 f2 => match f1 f2 with
                      | Some Eq | Some Gt => f1
                      | Some Lt | None => f2